About Us
Our team was founded in 2008. Most of us have been in this since long before it ever made it to cable television. Even before you were ever aloud to discuss the topic in public without fear of what people were going to say about you. I'm thankful to the television shows paving the way for us to help people. What you see on TV is very, very different from the reality of what we do. It isn't near as dramatic or entertaining. Reality is, we gather information from people and equipment in the hopes of coming up with an answer.
We are not psychics, mediums, or even scientists. We are a group of everyday people looking to find answers behind the things that go bump in the night. We take a scientific approach to back up our findings. Some methods are basic, some more high- tech.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and help you in finding the truth behind your paranormal experience. Is it a ghost? Or could it be something else? Since we are not dead, we do not claim to be experts in ghosts. But we will do all we can to find the truth behind what haunts you. If we can't give you the answers and relief you need, we will guide you in the direction you need to go.
As always, we are discrete, and we will never use your name or photos without written consent from you









