Are you considering contacting a Professional Paranormal Investigator? We understand that taking that step can be a big one. Seeking assistance with problems that you are experiencing from an uncertain situation accompanied by additional concerns about privacy can weigh heavy on a person's emotions.
​PPI would like to assure you that we are always discrete. 100% of the information we gather is kept completely confidential. You will never see personal details of your case posted on a public site without your expressed written request or consent. All PPI investigators must complete a background check and sign a non-disclosure agreement promising to keep private all aspects of any case, before they even begin our training program.
​​​This page has been designed to help answer some frequently asked questions regarding the process of an investigation. Feel free to contact us at any time for additional information. We are always here to assist our clients with any question or concern and please remember, we will never charge a fee for any of our services.

The initial inquiry can be the hardest step in this process. Many people are unsure of what, if any assistance they require or if they will even be taken seriously.​ We take every request seriously and will always be available to help provide our clients with peace-of-mind, knowing that there is someone to listen and help them get through this sometimes unsettling experience.
You may complete the investigation request form found on our website or you may prefer to contact us by phone, email or via one of our many social media sites. Please be as honest and detailed as possible when providing us with information regarding your paranormal experiences. A Lead Investigator will contact you within 24 hours to further discuss your case and to set up an Interview.​ The interview process can be performed by telephone, at your premises or at a preferred location.
During the interview process we will discuss the information you initially provided, take notes and request additional information regarding your experiences. We will use the information you provide to research any history behind your location. If at any time we determine that you have provided us with false information we will not continue the process of setting up an investigation.
​You may expand on any issues of concern and ask as many questions as you'd like. At the end of this process we will explain your options and allow you to take the time to decide how and if you would like to proceed. We will always be available to answer additional questions at any time. If we are unable to give you the answers you need, we are always happy to provide you additional information regarding assistance through other support options.

If you have decided that an investigation is required, your next step is to contact us to set up a date to proceed with an investigation that best meets your scheduling needs.
​At that point you will receive guidelines on what to do and what not to do until and when the investigation team is on site. It is important that these rules are followed as our work is very detailed and sensitive to interference. We always ask that our clients be present during an investigation if they feel comfortable. However, friends and family are asked to refrain from visiting during our scheduled investigation. In situations where a crowd has gathered, PPI may choose to abandon and reschedule the investigation do to an increased risk of contamination of audio and video evidence. We will never continue an investigation if at any time we feel our client or our team is in any danger of physical harm.
The day before your scheduled investigation a lead investigator will contact you to determine if you still wish to proceed.
​​Before the investigation begins the property owner or their legally authorized representative will be asked to complete the necessary forms allowing us to proceed with an investigation on the premises. Next the Lead Investigator assigned to your case will do a walk-through with you and mark the areas where you have experienced possible paranormal activity so that we can set up our equipment in the best locations possible to capture the activity.​ We will take baseline reading before we begin and will attempt to recreate or observe natural causes for the activity you have described to us.
There may be moments when loud signals or noises will be heard or a team member moves quickly. This does not mean paranormal activity is present and should not be a cause for alarm.

Once PPI has completed the investigation, the data will be reviewed and analyzed. This process may take 2 to 5 weeks depending on the amount of information that has been gathered.
Once we have completed our review and made a determination based on the information we have gathered, you will be contacted by the Lead Investigator assigned to your case to schedule a meeting to discuss our findings. ​During the meeting you will be provided a copy of all pertinent information, including audio, video and still photos. ​We will discuss any natural causes found for the activity at your location as well as provide suggestions to remedy or alleviate the natural activity. We will also discuss any paranormal or unexplained activity found during our investigation. We will offer suggestions and additional steps you may choose to take based on our findings.
​What ever you decide, we will always be available to answer any questions and provide guidance at your request.
PPI would like to remind you no matter who you contact about your paranormal experience, a Paranormal Investigation Team should never charge you a fee for any service.
We hope that this information has been helpful. What ever you decide, we will always be available to answer any questions and provide guidance at your request.